Family Planning Market Capacity Tool: Estimating Provider Time Available and Needed for Family Planning Services

The Family Planning (FP) Market Analyzer ( combines data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and FP2020’s projections of modern contraceptive prevalence (mCPR) to allow users to explore potential scenarios, including shifts in market share between the public and private health sector. Users of the FP Market Analyzer can explore policy scenarios that include changes in method mix, source mix or both. Based on population growth, mCPR growth and the chosen scenario, results show changes in FP visits by sector and method. However, these scenarios do not take into consideration available provider time and whether there is sufficient capacity.

The Family Planning Market Capacity Tool was developed to estimate current and future provider time (measured though level of effort (LOE) in hours) needed for provision of family planning services to provide context for the feasibility of different shifts in method mix and market share between the public and private health sector. The FP Market Capacity Tool should be seen as a starting place for conversations about what the current health infrastructure looks like within a country, and how that relates to the potential feasibility of different future scale up plans. In addition, other considerations need to be taken into account beyond simply the availability of provider time, including training and quality assurance, client and provider preferences, and the affordability of services, especially within the private sector.

This tool has been pre-populated with data for 7 countries for which sufficient data on health care infrastructure in both the public and private sector could be found: Bangladesh, DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, and Senegal.




Michelle Weinberger and Rebecca Rosenberg

September 2021
Resource Types
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Family Planning
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